Be intentional with design, do quality work, and don't complicate it.
Step 1: Visioning
I learn about you! I like to get curious about your likes, dislikes, dreams, fears, and hopes for your business / organization / project. This stage usually involves learning about you with good questions, getting curious about who the end user is, listening intently, communicate complex ideas simply, creative collaboration sessions to dig into what you are wanting to achieve, and pulling out all the numbers. I'll get the big picture ideas and vision nailed down so it can be communicated throughout the project. Accessibility and brand coordination is at the forefront. Keeping an awareness of inclusion all through the project is an important piece of my process that sets me apart.

Tools for this Step: Images, writing utensils of all kinds, sticky notes of all sizes, capture digitally, and an open mind
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Step 2: Planning
It's time to dig deeper. I'll take the foundational vision and big picture ideas to the next level. This stage involves talking about the nitty-gritty details that will bring the product to life. I work with a cross-disciplinary team and the company to make sure the design is clear and everyone knows the design intent. I'll create a wireframe to start the tangible design conversation, and create a prototype that can be tested. Getting feedback from the users and having humans outside of the process review it is key to making sure the design intent is being communicated in a way that resonates with the audience.

Tools for this Step: Wireframe, site map, prototype, user testing, presentations, and an iterative creativity
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Step 3: Creating
I'll work with the internal team and the client side-by-side through the finalizing process; helping to answer questions that come up. The client is able to rest easy knowing their hopes and dreams are being made into reality. I'll be finalizing design, optimizing the site, and running the final tests to make sure every link and image is working properly. Once the product passes the final quality check, it is ready to launch into the world! 

Tools for this Step: Site build, coding collaboration, image optimization, celebrating!!
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